Hungarian full edition of UDC. Part 2. Problems of editing
The Hungarian full edition of UDC was based on the 3rd and 8th international German editions and modified according to the latest volumes of “Cumulated UDC Supplement” and “Extensions and Corrections to the UDC”. Other up-to-date publications – as the English full edition – were also utilized in solving certain problems e.g. validity of notations, interpretation of terms, methods of editing, etc.
The manuscript was compiled either by the Editorial Committee by mounting xerox copies of the original sources or by those translators who knew the rules of revision of UDC.
The final editorial control compared the manuscript not only with the source documents but always with the original FID publications, too, taking into consideration the numbers of tables in preparation, and checking all references, compound notations, validity of examples in original places, etc.
The full edition was published in 42 volumes. This volume-system was developed according to various theoretical and methodological considerations and to practical reasons resulting from the actual situation of UDC revision works. The final system, flexibly adopted to the preliminary plans, was elaborated during the editorial work.
Manuscripts and/or proof-sheets of each volume were sent for comments and approval to the FID Classification Department. Problems and suggestions relating to the manuscript were listed, later these were partly published by the FID Classification Department in PC Notes.
The full edition was aimed at the most up-to-date validity attainable. The first volumes were published in 1968 closed with the 6:2 issue of “Ext. Corr.”. Volumes published in 1971 and 1972 have already regard for 7:6 issue of “Ext. Corr.”. This validity is indicated on 17 volumes from the 42, but in fact 25 volumes include the validity of 30 June 1971.
One of the major tasks of the Hungarian full edition was to contribute to the standardization of Hungarian scientific terminology in all subject fields. For this sake the terminology of UDC volumes was developed by various expert groups in the course of discussions.
The 42 volumes of the Hungarian full edition consist of 2000 two-column printed pages. The Hungarian edition of “Extensions and Corrections to the UDC started with No. 6:2, so Hungarian users are currently informed on the newest developments and modifications.