The sixth itinerary congress of the Association of Hungarian Librarians
Lectures held at the sixth itinerary congress of the Association of Hungarian Librarians were grouped around two main programme items. One was concemed with futurology. Here the lecturers tried to outline how the position and respect of librarians will be formed in the future; how the requirements towards librarians will be changed; what kind of organizational and material changes are to be expected in libraried; what kind of new modern institutions are to be organized; and bow the overall international information system will take shape.
The other topic was - recalling and describing past and present problems - the 200th anniversary celebration of the University Library in Pécs.
The other topic was - recalling and describing past and present problems - the 200th anniversary celebration of the University Library in Pécs.
How to Cite
Vértesy, M. The sixth itinerary congress of the Association of Hungarian Librarians, Scientific and Technical Information, 21(12), p. 881–886, 2019.