Planning of the introduction of up-to-date information techniques
For the effective utilization of information sources, it is essential to adopt the up-to-date information techniques based on computer, microfilm technique, and telecommunication. The introduction of this technique, however, involves considerable expenses, requiring, at the same time, a national coordination and the training of an efficient engineer staff capable of applying the modern technique, as well as the training of users.
All this clearly shows that the plan of introducing an up-to-date information technique should be drawn up and then implemented as an integral part of the national information program.
In planning the national information infrastructure, to been considered are the types of documents and thematic fields to be covered, the new organizations required, as well as the financial and human factors necessary to achieving the objectives, and also the expectable continuous loading of the system.
Since it has become more and more evident that no information system can be self-supporting at the national level, the funds for the development of the information infrastructure should be provided by the government, moreover, the government should ensure that the required funds be available even in the long run.
As the first step the up-to-date technique should be adopted in the given country’s own national bibliographical activities. This provides an opportunity to rely on the national resources, and is comparatively easy to organize, in addition, it also creates an information base, commanding international interest, thus enabling the country and the government directly to benefit from the data source.
Secondly, the system should be made an active participant In the international information networks through the adoption of telecommunication techniques.
Being also part of the national information program, the implementation of the plan for the introduction of up-to-date information techniques requires several government-level measures to be taken; thus
- objectives and priorities should be coordinated at the national level;
- to be set up are organizational units responsible for the planning and implementation;
- coordination, both within and without the country, should be made possible and ensured;
- to be ensured is the continuous financial support;
- an adequately trained staff should be provided for.
Cooperation among countries in all activities aimed at the introduction of up-to-date information techniques is indispensable owing to the highly sophisticated nature of these techniques and for the lack of the adequately trained staff. To ensure this, as part of the UNISIST program within the ISORID Project, the UNESCO is systematically collecting information on researches in documentation. It would be highly useful to bring about a registration of readily available computer program packets for information purposes.
The central registration of data banks should also be solved within the framework of UNESCO.