Some results of the Technical Book Days


  • György Gerő


The Technical Book Days, held for the ninth time on October 10-31, 1970, was one of the most successful ones. The article gives an account of the division of books published for the Days, by subject fields, and also of the wide-ranging organizatory and mobilizing work resulting from the activities of the organizing committee. Furthermore, it discusses the increasingly wider social basis of the Technical Book Days, laying special emphasis on the competitive participation of the trade unions library network and on the importance of the co-operation of OKISZ (National Alliance of Industrial Co-operatives). The variety of high-level programs was one important element of the year's success as shown by a number of examples taken from competition reports submitted to network sub-centres of five national authorities (ministries for the most part).

The organizing comittee's sub-committee on technical libraries asseseed the experiences of the Technical Book Days, discussed the evaluation of the competition, and made proposals as to various rewards.




How to Cite

Gerő, G. Some results of the Technical Book Days, Scientific and Technical Information, 18(2), p. 111–118, 2019.


