Report on the activities of the Central Library of the Budapest Technical University in 1970
In 1970 the Library's book collection was increased by 10 477 volumes and the special collections by 5240 items. The number of current periodical titles amounted to 1827. The total holdings of the library included 275 083 volumes of books and 72 344 volumes of periodicals. 11 157 registered readers of the Library made use of 247 105 volumes or library units.
The Library's Xerox-service produced 363 840 copies for 5159 customers.
A course of literature search held by the Library’s information specialists involved over 500 engineering students. To support the educational and research work of the faculty members, the Library produced 20 major bibliographies including 831 items. In the series surveying the system of technical higher education in the European countries, a volume on Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg was published. Moreover, a bibliography on the history of science, a guide to theses accepted by Hungarian technical universities for doctors' degrees, the list of departmental libraries and a list of periodicals held in departmental libraries were issued.