Towards an economical information system for the motor vehicle industry
The paper outlines an initiative concerning a new information system in the field of motor vehicle and transportation industries. The implementation of the suggested plan is also dealt with. Through the intermediary of an information centre, the mostly concerned industrial oompanies and institutes supply the information relevant to their respective subject field to all others concerned. Other professional information will be received in the same way.
By adopting thle method being already realized, industrial companies may obtain quick and competent information in due time, and, besides saving a considerable amount of money, they might make the best use of their personnel engaged in the information field.
By adopting thle method being already realized, industrial companies may obtain quick and competent information in due time, and, besides saving a considerable amount of money, they might make the best use of their personnel engaged in the information field.
How to Cite
Erdélyi, G. Towards an economical information system for the motor vehicle industry, Scientific and Technical Information, 16(4), p. 271–279, 2019.