5th Colloquium on Documentation, Ilmenau 15-17. November 1967
The Institute for Documentation, Patents and Law of the Technical College Ilmenau (Institut für Dokumentation, Patentwesen und Recht der Technischen Hochschule, Ilmenau), German Democratic Republic, is organizing annually since 1963 scientific colloquia, dealing with most important problems of documentation, patent law and industrial law.
On the 5tb Colloquium the following main subjects were discussed:
I. Documentation and research planning
II. Current and long-term objectives of documentation
III. Information and industrial legal protection.
Altogether 20 papers were delivered by documentation experts from the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union.
Special interest was shown to some papers dealing with the relation between documentation and prognosis, and with after actual problems of information, training in documentation and mechanization of information.
More than 800 participants attended the meeting, in majority from the German Democratic Republic, but other socialist countries were also represented by a respectable number of attendents. Hungary was represented by more than 20 experts; two papers were submitted by Hungarian experts.
The large number of participants impeded to certain extent to enter somewhat deeper into the dealt subjects; there was little time left for discussions. However the participants had the opportunity to establish direct contacts; that is one of the most positive results to be achieved at similar scientific meetings.
The proceedings of the Colloquium will be published in the first half of 1968.
On the 5tb Colloquium the following main subjects were discussed:
I. Documentation and research planning
II. Current and long-term objectives of documentation
III. Information and industrial legal protection.
Altogether 20 papers were delivered by documentation experts from the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union.
Special interest was shown to some papers dealing with the relation between documentation and prognosis, and with after actual problems of information, training in documentation and mechanization of information.
More than 800 participants attended the meeting, in majority from the German Democratic Republic, but other socialist countries were also represented by a respectable number of attendents. Hungary was represented by more than 20 experts; two papers were submitted by Hungarian experts.
The large number of participants impeded to certain extent to enter somewhat deeper into the dealt subjects; there was little time left for discussions. However the participants had the opportunity to establish direct contacts; that is one of the most positive results to be achieved at similar scientific meetings.
The proceedings of the Colloquium will be published in the first half of 1968.
How to Cite
Jánszky, L. 5th Colloquium on Documentation, Ilmenau 15-17. November 1967, Scientific and Technical Information, 15(2), p. 108–118, 2019.