Co-operation among the CMEA countries in inproving technical and economic information in the non-ferrous metal industry
The non-ferrous metal industry requires an adequate dissemination of latest scientific and technical achievements and experiences. The large scale exchange of information among the CMEA countries started in 1965 by means of a network of information centres. Specifications regarding the forms and contente of the various types of information were laid down in a multilateral agreement.
The Hungarian centre for the exchange of information in this particular field is the Technical Documentation and Translation Bureau of the Ministry of Heavy Industry. The exchange centre's task is to process and store various data, differentiated according to their character and form. The multidimensional retrieval of the stored data is made easier by a set of catalogues.
The Hungarian centre operates a group of punched tape typewriters with both cyrillik and Roman characters. The output of the group consists of automatically processed punched cards for the catalogues.
The Hungarian centre for the exchange of information in this particular field is the Technical Documentation and Translation Bureau of the Ministry of Heavy Industry. The exchange centre's task is to process and store various data, differentiated according to their character and form. The multidimensional retrieval of the stored data is made easier by a set of catalogues.
The Hungarian centre operates a group of punched tape typewriters with both cyrillik and Roman characters. The output of the group consists of automatically processed punched cards for the catalogues.
How to Cite
Aranyossy, Á Co-operation among the CMEA countries in inproving technical and economic information in the non-ferrous metal industry, Scientific and Technical Information, 15(3), p. 202–208, 2019.