Combined information storage and retrieval systems at the 2nd International Congress for Reprography, Cologne, 25-30. October 1967


  • Erik Vajda


Information storage and retrieval systems are either one style or multi-stage systems. Especially in the case of one-stage systems, - but in other cases as well - the information must be highly condensed in order that the system should operate flexibly and rapidly even if the quantity of infomation stored is great. Until now tbe most successful tool for condensing information has been the micro-film technology. The conbination of microfilming with electronic data-processing made it possible to create automatically operated combined systems for information storage and retrieral. The type of the information media is of decisive importance so far as the nature and characteristics of the system are concerned. The characteriatics and tbe conditions of applying the systems operating with different information media are given with comparative tables of tbe technical data, the logical structure, the capacity, the input and output and the costs of the combined systems.




How to Cite

Vajda, E. Combined information storage and retrieval systems at the 2nd International Congress for Reprography, Cologne, 25-30. October 1967, Scientific and Technical Information, 15(3), p. 209–223, 2019.


