Development of the system of scientific and technical information in the Sovjet Union
The Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union passed a significant decree on the national system of scientific and technical information. In this decree the tasks of the central and regional information organs are stipulated in a new form. As from 1967, short abstracts must be added to all scientific and technical publications. Unified information bases have to be established in the federal republics, in the adminiatrative regions and in the borderlande. An All-Union Federal Scientific and Technical Information Centre has to be set up for collecting the microcopies of reports on research work conducted in various research institutions, and for making them accessible for those interested. The production of up-to-date technical apparatus for processing information has also to be increased.
How to Cite
-, .-. Development of the system of scientific and technical information in the Sovjet Union, Scientific and Technical Information, 14(2), p. 97–101, 2019.