Some information problems at the introduction of the new national system of economic planning and management


  • Béla Zentai


In introducing the new national system of economic planning and management it is obvious that this has to be accompanied by more advanced and more efficient activities in technical, technical-economic and market information. It is therefore necessary to formulate the main objectives of information activities, as soon as possible, in order that the improved system can start its work already in 1967.
The information system of the national economy consiste of several mutually interconnected sub-systems (as statistical information, technical-economic information etc.) none of which alone is able to represent the whole system itself.
Both on the level of the government agencies and of the enterprises the informations needed for solid economic decisions will be - as compared to the past - more complex and will generally lack a so-called "clear cut profils". There exists a demand for complex information also in the categories of technical-economic as well as marketing-economic informations; the appropriate processing of these informations will result in analysed economic studies, economic forecasts, evaluated surveys of technical trends, marketing studies etc.
The government agencies in setting up their own information organization have to take into consideration that the information prepared and provided by them will influence to a great extent the activity of the enterprises. The enterprises, in turn, when setting up their own information organization must keep in mind the advantages offered by the possible division of labour with other bodies. Thus, appropriate coordination could ensure that with the help of the Hungarian Central Technical Library and Documentation Centre, the Institute for Economic and Market Research and the Hungarian Institute for Market Research, as coordinating special information centres, no unreasonably parallel information-activity is conducted. There is further a considsrable potential value in the activities of already existing information centres, as the above mentioned thres special coordinating centres, and of the branch centres of the several ministries; all of them are in possession of experiences for planning, organizing and setting up information systems. Thus, they may figure as consultants in establishing internal information systems for various institutions.




How to Cite

Zentai, B. Some information problems at the introduction of the new national system of economic planning and management, Scientific and Technical Information, 14(5-6), p. 321–330, 2019.


