Technical development of libraries
Librarian must efficiently contribute to solving taskes on the domain cared with. Here a potential source of power for the librarianship are - among many others - extension of the professional know-how as well as the use of new technologies.
The professional know-how has three levels as followe: conventional know-how ot the library staff; specialization in one of the applied sciences; familiarity in the new library (documentation) techniques. This letter makes the hardest "bottle neck".
Notwithstanding, the new techniques are ever growing in importance when the goal is an increasing the productivity of the labour, or cutting the costs, or even - and this is the main thing - are increasing the efficiancy of the services. In this conntry, on the actual level of the social and econonic development, hand oparated and machine selected punched-cards and the reprography are to be taken into consideration.
A picture drawn along the lay-out and use of the new techniques for library and documentation services seems unbalanced. Therefore, there is a necessity of building up technical development policies, there is a need of organized dissemination of experience of institutions proceeded in technical development projects. At the seme time a forced training of specialists is needed for getting familiar with the new techniques.
The professional know-how has three levels as followe: conventional know-how ot the library staff; specialization in one of the applied sciences; familiarity in the new library (documentation) techniques. This letter makes the hardest "bottle neck".
Notwithstanding, the new techniques are ever growing in importance when the goal is an increasing the productivity of the labour, or cutting the costs, or even - and this is the main thing - are increasing the efficiancy of the services. In this conntry, on the actual level of the social and econonic development, hand oparated and machine selected punched-cards and the reprography are to be taken into consideration.
A picture drawn along the lay-out and use of the new techniques for library and documentation services seems unbalanced. Therefore, there is a necessity of building up technical development policies, there is a need of organized dissemination of experience of institutions proceeded in technical development projects. At the seme time a forced training of specialists is needed for getting familiar with the new techniques.
How to Cite
Pataky, E. Technical development of libraries, Scientific and Technical Information, 13(3), p. 245–254, 2019.