The FINDEX hand-operated slotted card system


  • Sándor Balázs


The FINDEX system is provided with a special type of slotted cards. The cards are available in several sizes with printed pattern and completed with a punching device, selector, and storage cabinet. The cards primarily for use in business and management as well as for information purposes. They can be used to best advantage for the registration of small collections of documents and data frequently subject to retrieval according their features.
In the coding of cards, besides direct marking, both column and decimal codes can be easily used by means of which an efficient increase of capacity is attained. The versatile extenaibility of the system is ensured by a special system of coding which can be applied to other types of slotted cards as well. (This system of coding e.g. ensures the notation of any one of 1140 concepts of the same cathegory when 20 FINDEX positions and 3 selector rods are used.)




How to Cite

Balázs, S. The FINDEX hand-operated slotted card system, Scientific and Technical Information, 13(3), p. 266–276, 2019.


