Reading and orientation practices of chemical research workers


  • Miklósné Déri


The objective of the paper is to survey ths orientation and reading practices of 10 research workers, each, of the Central Chemical Research Institute (Központi Kémiai Kutatóintézet = KKKI), Research Institute for the Plastics Industry (Műanyagipari Kutatóintézet = MÜKI), and Kőbánya Drug Works (Kőbányai Gyógyszerárugyár= KGY), and to determine how far the results obtained by thls investigation agree with or differ from the conclusions arrived at through the similar experiment conducted within the Chemical Departments of the "Eötvös Lóránd" University of Sciences.
The survey process consisted of making use both of personal questioning and reading log examination. Personal interviews followed printed questionnaire items permitting the tabulated numerical processing of the majority of answers. In the reading log, each research worker made notes on the data collected in connection with the reference papers, periodicals, reports and books read during the fortnight concerned. The reading logs have been returned, however, only by the KKKI and MÜKI.
Following the presentation of the literature supply available in the field investigated on as well as of the experimental scope, the paper describes the practices employed in collecting information. The weekly average of professional literature reading is much higher than that observed in the University (15 hours) whereas the number of publications per reader more or less corresponds to the University figures, with the exception of the KKKI data. The examination of the individual answers given by the research workers reflects surprising data: the amount of time devoted to professional literature reading is inversely proportional to the number of publications read.
Verbal information sources are considered by the research workers much more important than the written ones although the University answers qualified the two types equally. Of all the written information sources, professional periodicals have been valued highest, with the abstracting journals' group as runner-up and monographies third.




How to Cite

Déri, M. Reading and orientation practices of chemical research workers, Scientific and Technical Information, 13(5-6), p. 474–495, 2019.


