Problems of how-to-prepare scientific research by information about special literature


  • Iván Polzovics


Components of the evolution of organized research work. The changed circumstances and requirements of research work in our time. Role of the team-work. Significance of research work in the development of the national economy today. Requirements of the rational and economical conduct of research work. Indispensability of the use of special literature in organized research. Requirements of basic research, applied and development research concerning the information about special literature. The different possibilities of using informations obtainable from special literature. The promotion of the application of informations about special literature derived from applied and development research by means of reproductive and adaptive research, respectively. The progressive way of the systematic utilization of information about special literature in scientific research: a/ preliminary surveying recherche, promoting the selection of the subject of research; b/ supporting the selected, specified subject of research basically and in detail by means of informations about special literature. The requirements of the development of information about special literature in the Hungarian scientific research. Necessity to develop an informational organization in the scientific research institutes just as in the industrial research and development institutes. Until this is achieved, the utilization of the organizations and services of the information about technical literature to prepare the work in progress in the scientific research institutes and to lay its foundation from the point of view of information. The promotion of the readiness and the ability of research workers to elicit, to process and to utilize information that can be derived from special literature.




How to Cite

Polzovics, I. Problems of how-to-prepare scientific research by information about special literature, Scientific and Technical Information, 13(7), p. 593–609, 2019.


