Present status of the network of technical production libraries and possibilities of its development in the third Five Year Plan


  • Ákos Terebessy


The network of technical production libraries is one of the greatest library networks of Hungary. The present position of the 576 special libraries of enterprises, research and planning institutes is not satisfactory in several respects:
a/ in respect of accommodation;
b/ in respect of the extent to which they are provided with librarians who pursue their profession as a main occupation;
c/ in respect of the extent to which they are provided with technical equipment.
The enumerated deficiencies impede the further development of technical libraries in many places to a great extent, therefore the conditions necessary for their successful operation must be created in all the libraries of the network of technical production libraries during the third Five Year Plan. The earliest possible creation of the conditions is pressed also by the fact that the technical libraries work as bases of information about technical literature. The special library concept to be elaboroted by the theme committee of the National Committee of Technical Development and discussed before the plenary meeting of invited specialists serves the improvement of the present position. At the same time, the Ministry of Education has also drawm up its plan involving the development of scientific and special libraries. It depends on the leaders of enterprises and institutions belonging to the industrial portfolios how and to what extent they will achieve the objectives laid down in the projects in the development of their own special library and information office, respectively.




How to Cite

Terebessy, Á Present status of the network of technical production libraries and possibilities of its development in the third Five Year Plan, Scientific and Technical Information, 13(7), p. 610–619, 2019.


