The Istitute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Ministry od Metallurgy and Machine Industry seeks new ways in Hungarian documentation
The special fields of the Institute concern metallurgy; mechanical, automative, electrical, telecommunication and instrumental engineering; plant organization. Its most important activities are concentrated on the following tasks:
1. Publishing of abstracts in card form in Hungarian, in English and in Russian on research reports, on reports on study tours, on new products, on new manufacturing processes, on innovations and inventions, as well as on dissertations brought about in the institutes and enterprises of the Ministry. It processes in Hungarian similar selected foreign documents.
2. Literature searches for institutes and enterprises.
3. Current awareness service for the Ministry on selected technical and economic subjects; the interested subject specialists receive personally the abstracts of publications which deal with the selected subjects.
4. In the field of certain subjects of paramount importance, the institute prepares thorough reviews of the publications, their findings and their data. These reviewe serve as the basis of decision-making for industrial managers.
5. Abstracts and reviews of publications on the trend of technical development and on the economtic situation are published regularly in the monthly "Iparpolitikai Tájékoztató" (Information on Industrial Policy).
6. For its documentation and information activities it is developing a collection of data from the abstracts of published and unpublished literature; in addition, it is establishing a data-file for technico-economic information based on the UNITERM-system.
7. Among its various documentation services there has to be mentionod the mechanical indexing of abstracts and - in the field of automation - the current awareness service by key-words processed by machine.
1. Publishing of abstracts in card form in Hungarian, in English and in Russian on research reports, on reports on study tours, on new products, on new manufacturing processes, on innovations and inventions, as well as on dissertations brought about in the institutes and enterprises of the Ministry. It processes in Hungarian similar selected foreign documents.
2. Literature searches for institutes and enterprises.
3. Current awareness service for the Ministry on selected technical and economic subjects; the interested subject specialists receive personally the abstracts of publications which deal with the selected subjects.
4. In the field of certain subjects of paramount importance, the institute prepares thorough reviews of the publications, their findings and their data. These reviewe serve as the basis of decision-making for industrial managers.
5. Abstracts and reviews of publications on the trend of technical development and on the economtic situation are published regularly in the monthly "Iparpolitikai Tájékoztató" (Information on Industrial Policy).
6. For its documentation and information activities it is developing a collection of data from the abstracts of published and unpublished literature; in addition, it is establishing a data-file for technico-economic information based on the UNITERM-system.
7. Among its various documentation services there has to be mentionod the mechanical indexing of abstracts and - in the field of automation - the current awareness service by key-words processed by machine.
How to Cite
Hoványi, G. The Istitute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Ministry od Metallurgy and Machine Industry seeks new ways in Hungarian documentation, Scientific and Technical Information, 13(8), p. 725–740, 2019.