The First International Reprographic Exhibition in Prague, 1966
The appliances on show at the International Repgrographic Exhibition in Prague gave an overall picture about the present stand of reprography. Amongst the most up-to-date microfilm, cameras the Filmsort 2000 Processor Camera caused great sensation with its exceptional capacity. Several microfilm readers, various enlargers and processing machines were also exhibited.
Among the electrographic instruments the complete series of the Xerox equipment of the Rank Company was exhibited, including the greatest capacity Copyflo machine, as well as the new Metograph electrostatic printing automation. In addition to these, several modern copying apparatus, Diazo printing apparatus and thermic copying apparatus were also on show.
Among the electrographic instruments the complete series of the Xerox equipment of the Rank Company was exhibited, including the greatest capacity Copyflo machine, as well as the new Metograph electrostatic printing automation. In addition to these, several modern copying apparatus, Diazo printing apparatus and thermic copying apparatus were also on show.
How to Cite
Gara, A. The First International Reprographic Exhibition in Prague, 1966, Scientific and Technical Information, 13(9-10), p. 897–906, 2019.