Punch card systems in film registration


  • Károlyné Galván


Teehnical film utilization to promote engineering development, in the field of education, research, information and publicity services, and in popular education activities is a phenomenon encountered all over the world, representing an ever increasing practice. It is, therefore, fundamentally important to obtain a continuous review on this film production.
Within the activity of the National Technical Library and Documentation Centre, similarly to that of literature, documentation of technical films is being also dealt with. In order to render a modern and high-speed information service activity, film registration makes use of punch card systems. Processing of films of domestic production as well as of those produced abroad available, however, in this country is performed by means of field type punch cards: each film has a separate reference card made indicating all characteriatic data. Selection is performed by using electrovibrator selector techniques. Foreign films not available in Hungary are displayed by means of visual type punch cards presenting subject scope and technical specifications.




How to Cite

Galván, K. Punch card systems in film registration, Scientific and Technical Information, 12(5-6), p. 398–410, 2019.


