Preparation of a codex on the field of technical collection
The elaboration of a codex on the field of technical collection is aiming at the classification of basic as well as co-operative libraries to compile the professional literature of the fields of engineering sciences dealt with in Hungary and, consequently, at the provision for systematically co-ordinated stock increase in each professional field.
Experiments conducted so far and their results are deseribed. The study concludes to the statement that, in order to co-ordinate stock increase as well as to develop collection interest, the establishment of a triplex level (national, professional, and enterprise) co-ordination apparatus is needed, and it is necessary to promote this activity an official function just like to develop the methodological principles of stock increase.
The study suggests recommendations how to classify the engineering sciences (industries) as well as on the appointment of professional libraries cooperating in the stock increase activity. Finally, the data obtained while co-ordinating the orders submitted by the power industry are presented.
Experiments conducted so far and their results are deseribed. The study concludes to the statement that, in order to co-ordinate stock increase as well as to develop collection interest, the establishment of a triplex level (national, professional, and enterprise) co-ordination apparatus is needed, and it is necessary to promote this activity an official function just like to develop the methodological principles of stock increase.
The study suggests recommendations how to classify the engineering sciences (industries) as well as on the appointment of professional libraries cooperating in the stock increase activity. Finally, the data obtained while co-ordinating the orders submitted by the power industry are presented.
How to Cite
Györe, P. Preparation of a codex on the field of technical collection, Scientific and Technical Information, 12(7), p. 552–565, 2019.