Some timely questions on technical information by film


  • János Dúzs


The following fundamental viewpoints should be considered in technical information by film within the country:
a/ information must extend to the entire range of activity of film matters.
b/ information must be based upon rational international division of work of the broadest possible scope.
c/ division of work must be rational within the country.
In order to secure uniform organization, the author supplier detailed descriptions of the conceptual range of technical films, of the functional and special activities of technical film matters to which information must also extend. Surveys are given of the organs dealing with the various activities of technical film matters is Hungary as well as of the teaks of the Hungarian Centre for Information by Technical-Scientific Films which is realizing extensive international cooperation.




How to Cite

Dúzs, J. Some timely questions on technical information by film, Scientific and Technical Information, 11(4-5), p. 293–304, 2019.


