Some examples for data storing from the "Istitut of Mineral Oil and Natural Gas Research" in Hungary
In the Institut one began in the fifties to lay down the results of the plant probe on punched cards. Today the double row marginal punched cards are used for the processing of divers data. Wo give here two characteristic examples of them.
By one group of researeh workers the divers chemical and physical data of sulphurs - to be found dispersedly in the literature - are registered on punched cards. On the punched card almost all data to be found in literature are recorded, but only the important ones are punched. All data - apart from the proper constructional place - are figures and so the numerical coding is applied. On the card also use serial number of those literary sources is recorded from which the data are derived. For denoting the class, the group of the sulphids they choosed the method of direct coding.
Many literary data have as well been processed. The laboratory for mass spectrography registers f. i. the results of the own literary research as well as the results of the current alerting system of the institut and of the OMKDK. On the cards are typewritten the data aa follows: author, title, source, data of publication and short content. On the cards are punched some letters of the name of the author, the corresponding code number of the periodical, the two last digits of the year of publication. The content of the paper is encoded according to the chemical compounds and character of the work.
By one group of researeh workers the divers chemical and physical data of sulphurs - to be found dispersedly in the literature - are registered on punched cards. On the punched card almost all data to be found in literature are recorded, but only the important ones are punched. All data - apart from the proper constructional place - are figures and so the numerical coding is applied. On the card also use serial number of those literary sources is recorded from which the data are derived. For denoting the class, the group of the sulphids they choosed the method of direct coding.
Many literary data have as well been processed. The laboratory for mass spectrography registers f. i. the results of the own literary research as well as the results of the current alerting system of the institut and of the OMKDK. On the cards are typewritten the data aa follows: author, title, source, data of publication and short content. On the cards are punched some letters of the name of the author, the corresponding code number of the periodical, the two last digits of the year of publication. The content of the paper is encoded according to the chemical compounds and character of the work.
How to Cite
Szepesváry, P. Some examples for data storing from the "Istitut of Mineral Oil and Natural Gas Research" in Hungary, Scientific and Technical Information, 11(9-10), p. 733–747, 2019.