The Mooers-law-contributions to the psychology and sociology in the application of informations


  • Pál Györe


Not much attention is paid to the problem how information is being utilized. According to the law discovered by Calvin L. Mooers, no informative retrieval system will be used until the user feels more uncomfortable and emberassed while being informed than when not. To accept information requires thinking, decision, activity - with other words effort. There are deep psychological reasons hidden behind this law. Everybody would like to maintain his peace of mind wishing, at the same time, if something new should happen to him. Information, if novel and surprising, will excite, cause problems, and exert disturbing effects. Creative personalities will not be frightened of this feeling out, in an appropriate moment, those performing usual routine activities may also prove sensitive towards such phenomena. The latter type must be treated, therefore, patiently and individually with information supplied in adequate proportions to achieve sufficient influence. Creative ability and the capacity of information intake are proportional, thus the development of creative ability will improve the sensitivity to accept information.
The oscology of information - just like biology - studies, among others, the relationship between informer and user of informations, and that of certain categories of informers to one another and to information carriers.




How to Cite

Györe, P. The Mooers-law-contributions to the psychology and sociology in the application of informations, Scientific and Technical Information, 11(9-10), p. 748–763, 2019.


