eleMEK: a metadata management system for digital collections
dokumentumgyűjtemény, digitális dokumentum, metaadatAbstract
eleMEK is a freely available, modular software system deveioped in Hungary for the recording and retrieval of metadata of digital documents and for the conversion of metadata into various interna-tionally standardised data exchange formats (XML, Dublin Core, OAI, MARC). The software allows for Hungárián digital archives to jóin the recently Iaunched National Digital Data Archives initiative as well as to become part of the worldwide seman-tic web in development phase. eleMEK is a Java--based platform independent system designed on the basis of the experiences of the data management system of the Hungárián Electronic Library. The software was deveioped with the support of the Ministry of Informatics and Communication, the National Information Infrastructure Development Program and the Hungárián Electronic Library Association. The homepage of the project can be found at http://www.oszk.hu and the system can be tested under http://elemek.niif.hu/index.jsp