The activities of the library of OMKDK (Hungarian Centeral Technical Library and Documentation Centre) in 1969: facts and figures
In the course of its activities in 1969 the Hungarian Central Technical Library and Documentation Centre (OMKDK) assured library services for specialists engaged. In the field of production and technological development and provided a literature basis necessary to several other activities of the institution, it made efforts to increase its holdings by acquiring literature on new technological processes and publications irforming about various branches of industry and economy. From among its most important collections, the books were increased by 13.436 volumes, the periodicals by 5102 titles, and the translations by 33.400 items in 1969. The distribution of book acquisitions by subjects and that of periodicals by languages are shown in tables.
Its library services are being used and demanded all over the country at an unchanged rate. The majority of its readers is composed of engineers, technicians and students. The number of registered readers was 11.830. In 1969 the Library was visited by 110.000 readers using a total of 369.000 library items. Reprographic service has become more and more popular. The Library produced 92.519 xerox copies on the spot and further 53.224 copies were sent out by mail.
The Library's bibliographic activities were also remarkable in 1969. Deserving special mention is the index and bibliography entitled Számítástechnika - Informatika - Szervezés (Computing Techniques - Informatics - Organization), which was given a warm reception as an up-to date library service with its interesting mechanized indexing system.
The Library staff has been adequately completed. The main task of the years to come is to improve tha difficult situation of storage space, the working ccnditions and to renew the library equipment.
Its library services are being used and demanded all over the country at an unchanged rate. The majority of its readers is composed of engineers, technicians and students. The number of registered readers was 11.830. In 1969 the Library was visited by 110.000 readers using a total of 369.000 library items. Reprographic service has become more and more popular. The Library produced 92.519 xerox copies on the spot and further 53.224 copies were sent out by mail.
The Library's bibliographic activities were also remarkable in 1969. Deserving special mention is the index and bibliography entitled Számítástechnika - Informatika - Szervezés (Computing Techniques - Informatics - Organization), which was given a warm reception as an up-to date library service with its interesting mechanized indexing system.
The Library staff has been adequately completed. The main task of the years to come is to improve tha difficult situation of storage space, the working ccnditions and to renew the library equipment.
How to Cite
Benedek, J. The activities of the library of OMKDK (Hungarian Centeral Technical Library and Documentation Centre) in 1969: facts and figures, Scientific and Technical Information, 17(5), p. 381–394, 2019.