Four interesting lecture on the mechanization of information


  • Gábor Orosz


The author participated in a symposium on the Handling of Nuclear Information organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna on February 16-20. Deserving special mention among the papers submitted were four lectures concerned with various problems of the mechanization of information work. The article gives an account of these four papers.
1. A paper by A. Günther, A. G. Hester and P. Wittmann treated the language, structure and way of preparation of an index to the periodical CERN Library Accessions List - Preprints and reports. The special structure of the index language is really remarkable, it may, however, provoke criticism that the index was produced in the form of a KWIC index. The adoption of a permuted chain index would be more suitable.
2. In their lecture, B. V. Tell, R. Larssson and R. Lingh explained how they created within the ABACUS system one major information basis from magnetic tapes received from abroad. Information data contained in various foreign tape formats are converted into their own format thus facilitating their use for information retrieval and SDI services.
This method is exemplary mainly for minor countries.
3. A study by G. L. Smith, L. I. Herr and R. K. Walkerling was concerned with the SDI system of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory with especial view to the structure and "profile" of users. This "profile" is characterized by the fact that the descriptors are grouped and the logical equation of the retrieval is built up from these groups. This process results in a better quality selection.
4. L. Rolling's paper gives a prognostic description of how computer-based information work will be carried out in 1975. The present day advancements of information techniques are thus extrapolated for the next five years. In Rolling's opinion information supply through a dialogue between man and machine, which is technically already realized, will have become efficient and wide-spread by 1975.




How to Cite

Orosz, G. Four interesting lecture on the mechanization of information, Scientific and Technical Information, 17(10), p. 773–796, 2019.


