PhD programme in library and information sciences at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen


  • Miklós Bényei
  • Károly István Boda


könyvtártudomány, információtudomány, doktori képzés, Debrecen


In an earlier issue of Scientific and Technical Information, György Sebestyén presented the PhD programme on library and information sciences at the Eötvös Loránd University. It is less widely known that the PhD degree in LIS can alsó be obtained at the University of Debrecen. However, library and information sciences do not consti-tute an independent PhD programme in Debrecen. Partly due to this fact, partly deriving from the history of the local department of library and information sciences, the results are more modest compared to the achieve-ments in Budapest. Yet the endeavours are important, especially in the light of the local, in many respect spe-cial circumstances and in connection with the current situation and future development trends of library and information sciences.




How to Cite

Bényei, M., Boda, K. PhD programme in library and information sciences at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, Scientific and Technical Information, 52(7-8), p. 347–352, 2018.


