Digital library competences in public libraries. A review in 2019. Examining the role of age and gender in the formation of digital skills


  • Mária Eszenyiné Borbély Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar


információs társadalom, digitális technika, technikai kultúra, információs műveltség, könyvtáros, nem, életkor


This study is the closing part of the series of articles informing about the findings of surveys on digital competences, carried out within the framework of the EFOP-3.3.3-VEKOP-16-2016-00001 "Museum and Library Developments for All" project. It explores the role of age and gender in the formation of digital skills. This issue is associated with several stereotypes about these factors determining the level of competences. These include, for example, statements such as men are more proficient in the information technology world than women, and that there is an enormous gap in digital competenese between young people and seniors, in favour of the former group.

Author Biography

Mária Eszenyiné Borbély, Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar

Média- és Könyvtártudományi Intézet
Könyvtár- és Információtudományi Tanszék adjunktusa




How to Cite

Eszenyiné Borbély, M. Digital library competences in public libraries. A review in 2019. Examining the role of age and gender in the formation of digital skills, Scientific and Technical Information, 67(7-8), p. 449–471, 2020.


