The future of libraries: a change of strategy to address society


  • Gábor Lévai Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar


könyvtárhasználat, olvasási szokás, olvasáskutatás, public relations


The popularity of libraries and book reading is decreasing in Hungary, this is reflected both in the number of registered readers and the frequency of regular book reading. Libraries and institutions have sought to use many solutions over the past few years to reverse this process. However, the response to these methods has always been a kind of disinterest on the part of society. In the present study, the author is looking for an answer to how this process could be reversed. Is there a problem with the methods or their implementation, or is this ignorance rooted in something completely different? Should libraries adapt to society, or should society adapt to the libraries’ model? And whichever is the solution, how can it be implemented?




How to Cite

Lévai, G. The future of libraries: a change of strategy to address society, Scientific and Technical Information, 68(3-4), p. 209–213, 2021.


