SZTE Klebelsberg Library Cutter search engine
Cutter számok, Cutter táblázat, betűrendi jel, szoftveres keresés, VBA makróAbstract
In the SZTE Klebelsberg Library, like in other public collections, we use Cutter symbols to sort our open shelf holdings in addition to subject symbols referring to the subject of the work contained in the document.In 2022, we created an electronic search interface that shows the Cutter number of the given character series after entering the author, title or other bibliographic data, without further human intervention. The original table was first converted into a format that is usable for search automation - coherent and interpretable by programming languages - and then subjected to extensive data cleaning. The table was converted into lines of code in MS Excel using VBA macros. A PHP application runs under the finished interface. The aim of this thesis is to describe the development workflow, the methods used, the functioning of the completed system and the planned development directions.