Summary of developments on the 2.0 version of the Hungárián Electronic Library MEK


  • László Drótos




The HEL appeared almost simultaneously with the proliferation of the Internet in Hungary. Its primary goal has been to collect, produce a catalogue and provide public service of Hungárián or Hungary-related electronic publications. Presently it contains more than 4300 scientific and fine literature items. It is one of the most well-known Hungárián electronic service that has been funded from 1999 onwards by the Hungárián National Library OSZK. HEL, however, needs somé renewal, since its creators take into ac¬count increased user requirements and standard solutions that have been used frequently worldwide. The most important charactenstics of the 2.0 version under construction are: the use of open and free software (Linux, PHP, MySQL, Zebra, Search++); detailed bibliographic description with data formats suitable for cooperation with other systems (XML, MARC, Dublin Core); formation of a spectacular and easy-to-use Web surface; the generálion, in addition to digital books, of an Electronic Periodica Archive (EPA). The new service is expected to be launched in the beginning of 2003, but a demonstration version can be tested by now on the Web page of The old 1.0 version can be used further on, at the address serving 50-60 thousand visitors monthly.




How to Cite

Drótos, L. Summary of developments on the 2.0 version of the Hungárián Electronic Library MEK, Scientific and Technical Information, 50(1), p. 3–6, 2018.


