The Hungarian information system of the European Union
Európai Unió, csatlakozás, információszolgáltatás, könyvtár, intézményrendszer, MagyarországAbstract
The complex information system of the European Union consists of three types of organizations: information services sponsored by the EU, by the Hungárián govemment, and by business organizations as well as civil institutions. These services are responsible for arranging, storing and providing electronic or hard-copy information for users. The institutions sur-veyed supply EU related information in a broad range, from agricultural subjects to culture. The organizations providing information are mostly libraries but there are several institutions which are business organizations or societies. Most of them in Hungary are organized in networks, but they cooperate in several fields independently of networks.
How to Cite
Hegyi, Á The Hungarian information system of the European Union, Scientific and Technical Information, 49(2), p. 77–82, 2018.