Journal indexing using Zebra
numerikus osztályozás, XML, adatbázis-kezelő rendszerAbstract
The digitized version of the Hungarian literature journal Széphalom was completed in the Szeged University Library, Hungary. During this job the major goais were archiving, establíshing easier access, and the creation of a full-text database. As a first step, the XML version of the text was ímple-mented. An appropriate database management system was needed for the processing of XML tags, and one which can treat the Z39.50 standard. These requirements are fulfilled by the full-text program Zebra. In XML DTM tags were defined that are usually search aspects as well. The elements were developed for various text types, like poems, stories and, within them, for title, author, verse lines etc. The Zebra acts as Z-server. Through the Internet an auxiliary program is avail-able that makes the interface between the web server and the database.
How to Cite
Sándor, Á, Hegyi, Á Journal indexing using Zebra, Scientific and Technical Information, 49(5), p. 199–201, 2018.