Language use and classification theory. On the ratio of concept and meaning
nyelvészet, ismeretelmélet, fogalom, tárgyszó, osztályozáselméletAbstract
The relation of language use and thinking is a coupled phenomenon and research objective, not only in the history of mankind but also in the history of sciences, from the very beginning. It is centered around the ratio of concept and its meaning that has several approaches, published from the ancient age to the present. The features of humán language and mind can be approached and ex¬pressed by linguistic and conceptual tools. The problems in their. distinction are by specific facts On the other hand, several areas and levels are associated with the ratio of concept and meaning with limits not readily observed in scientific research yet. In the activities of language use and in the way of thinking several processes may contribute including categorization, identifícation and distinction that have evolutionary bases in our capabilities of classification. The world's affairs ín the cognitive processes are classified by both the humán mind and language. The library classification procedures are alsó based on the generál humán classification capability.
How to Cite
Prókai, M. Language use and classification theory. On the ratio of concept and meaning, Scientific and Technical Information, 49(6-7), p. 260–275, 2018.