Corporate information and knowledge base using web technology - in OLIB7 system
információs rendszer, vállalat, tudásbázisú rendszer, portáloldalAbstract
The eslablishment of the corporate knowledge and information base is an investment that affects business results of the company, because both the staff and the external partner can access basic knowledge or information needed for customer or partnership relations. New possibilities and re-quirements associated with globalization, competition, technological and communication developments force strategic management of companies to promote knowledge-based business in their own environment. Documentation of knowledge and awareness, sharing of information, and their treatment as business factors are key points of knowledge-based economy. Internet sites should be fiiled up with structured, selected and continu-ously updated contents. For the successful management of novei types of communication and services well-trained professionals and computer information system supporting the activities are needed.
How to Cite
Horváth, Z. Corporate information and knowledge base using web technology - in OLIB7 system, Scientific and Technical Information, 48(2), p. 51–63, 2018.