The role of the National Széchényi Library in the Civic Epistemologies project
The article presents a European Union project with the title:
Civic Epistemologies – Development of a Roadmap for Citizen Researchers in the Digital
Culture. The project belongs to EU’s 7th Framework Programme. Its 12 partners from 11
European countries are representing four fields: memory nstitutions, professional-political
decision makers, universities and e-infrastructure providers. The project aims to develop and
validate a Roadmap to support the participation of European citizens in research on cultural
heritage and digital humanities, with a special focus on the requirements and developments
for the use of e-infrastructures in these activities. It is an objective to analyze the needs of
researchers, citizens, cultural institutions and creative enterprises and to facilitate their
common work. Based on the key findings a roadmap will be developed and validated through
one pilot in Ireland and two case studies in the UK. Finally, the article discusses the current
and future work of the National Szechenyi Library in the project.
How to Cite
Maczelka, Á The role of the National Széchényi Library in the Civic Epistemologies project, Scientific and Technical Information, 62(5), p. 181–186, 2015.