Tradition, modernization, integration. The 175-year old Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
akadémiai könyvtár, könyvtártörténet, kulturális szolgáltatásAbstract
The library was established 175 year ago by the Count of József Teleki (1790-1855) who donated his valuable book collection to the new library. The primary profile of the library's collections is oriented to social sciences, and it possesses several special collections like an orientál collection, a manuscript collection, several codexes and a store of ancient prints. On the other hand, the library contains rich literature collections of exact sciences and interdiscipiinary sciences, mainly through exchange of materials. This exchange activity has alsó contributed to the extension of the fame of sciences in Hungary.
How to Cite
Rózsa, G. Tradition, modernization, integration. The 175-year old Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Scientific and Technical Information, 48(6-7), p. 245–249, 2018.