What can be learned from the merger and automation of four Hungárián libraries in social sciences


  • Mónika Lengyel
  • Károlyné Markella




The Unified Social Sciences Library of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences has been established by the merger of the libraries of the Legal Science Institute, Political Science Institute, So-ciological Institute, and World Economics Institute. This new library has created a növel software in-frastructure by adopting and modifying the inte-grated library system TINLIB. The integration in-cluded the generálion of a common database by loading the collections of three of the above libraries that had used computer data processing before the merger took place. The authors give a detailed account of the problems and their solution arising from the conversion of data according to the requirements of the standard TINLIB from three different library systems, ISIS, OLIB and SZIRÉN. During the period after the conversion, manuál uniformization and correction efforts were performed so that the mérged library collection can now be viewed as a single unit under http:// www. mtapti.hu.




How to Cite

Lengyel, M., Markella, K. What can be learned from the merger and automation of four Hungárián libraries in social sciences, Scientific and Technical Information, 47(12), p. 503–508, 2018.


