Problems with the strategy and financing of International Journal acquisition ín university libraries of Hungary
egyetemi könyvtár, gyűjteményszervezés, szakfolyóirat, CD-ROM, online adatbázis, finanszírozásAbstract
On the initiative of the Higher Education and Science Department of Ministry of Education, an analysis was made in 1999 on the international journal support of higher education and scientific research in Hungary. As a result, a proposal has been made on the imprcvement and financing of Irterature supply for the academia, regarding subscription of paper-based publications, electronic journals and fulltext CD-ROM databases. This proposal was based on the combined database of journals, online access and CD-ROM databases subscribed for presently and on the expected future needs for them on one hand, and on the other on an analysis performed in the framework of a project applying for World Bank funds as well as on other relevant publications.
How to Cite
Dömötör, L., Huszár, E., Szentirmai, L. Problems with the strategy and financing of International Journal acquisition ín university libraries of Hungary, Scientific and Technical Information, 47(9-10), p. 371–381, 2018.