Catalogue cards, UDC number, dictlonary entries
könyvtári katalógus, bibliográfia, könyvtári feldolgozás, számítógépes programAbstract
Based on the theory of formai languages (series set, language, grammar, Chomsky-type categories), the author describes the BNF formal-ism which is a widespread method of presenting context-free grammars. The generative context-free grammar of the bibliographic description of books is given in BNF formát using the defined procedure. The complete derívation of a specrfic bibliographic description is presented, and re-marks, explanations and interpretations are attached to both the grammar and derivation. Similarly, the UDC number syntax is proposed pointing out some consequences of the syntax. A program called VIVALDI and its user description is dis-cussed that offers common solution to the problems above. A requirement of the grammar in BNF formát is it \-free character. The VIVALDI trans-formation of the sample bibliographic description is demonstrated, followed by considerations on HTML or general SGML conversion. Finally, an analysis and VIVALDI transform of a German-Hungarian dictionary unit is presented.
How to Cite
Csabay, K. Catalogue cards, UDC number, dictlonary entries, Scientific and Technical Information, 46(1), p. 12–32, 2018.