Libraries in the Netheriands
könyvtártörténet, Hollandia, egyházi könyvtár, tudományos könyvtár, városi könyvtár, automatizálás, virtuális könyvtárAbstract
The Dutch library history started around 970. Several significant church and private collections, and a university library had been founded. In the medieval centuries the fights for independence and religional wars have caused significant damages, followed by those due to the second world war. Several collections have changed ownerships which also meant changes in library types and functions. The religional division of the country in the 20th century has resulted in the triple character of public libraries which, however, has been eliminated in the past couple of decades. A high level of library system has been created by the unification of resources.
How to Cite
Paul, S. Libraries in the Netheriands, Scientific and Technical Information, 46(2), p. 57–68, 2018.