Critical issues facing LIS journals: A publisher's view
információtudomány, könyvtártudomány, szakfolyóirat, hírlapkiadás, árpolitika, előfizetésAbstract
Discusses the five critical issues (print versus online; subscribers; quality control; copyright and pricing) which face journai publishers at a time of rapid change in technology and user expectations. First, the print versus online dilemma: how to publish electronically and how long to continue with hard copy versions. Describes the benefits to authors of publishing in a journai of recognised quality and authority, as opposed to self-publicatbn which may not reach the relevant audience, or be subject to the same quality control. Given a diminishing subscriber base publishers must identify existing customers and satisfy their needs. Electronic delivery systems may provtde a means of identifying new customers and tracking use of journals. Quality control requires rigorous standards of selection, peer review and editing and statistics are provided to illustrate the importance of publishers in maintaining these standards. Outlines the concerns of authors in skjning over rights to electronic formats and the benefits, such as increased prestige, from wider distribution of their work. Finally, discusses subscription pricing, the possibilities of pay-per-view and whether the latter will have and adverse impact on the existing subscriber base or generate a larger user base for individual journai articles.
How to Cite
Linda, H. Critical issues facing LIS journals: A publisher’s view, Scientific and Technical Information, 46(4), p. 139–141, 2018.