Is the Holy Cow of documentary work endangered? The FID Conference and Congress in India
információs társadalom, fenntartható fejlődés, információs technika, nemzetközi dokumentációs intézményAbstract
A presentation is given of the 49th FID Conference and Congress held in India from 11 to 17 October 1998. The main topics were: towards the new information society of the future - innovation, challenges and impacts. The Federation with a substantial background of traditions. seeks the answer to several important questions of the information and documentation profession within the conditions of the evolution of information society. These problems are related with the dramatic expansion of computer applications, with the over-whelming growth of the quantity of electronic information, and with the trends of access to information. The author, in addition to some interesting papers, reports also the Federation's efforts for frnding new ways to form the strategy and image for the next century of the FID that interpretes information as a critical resource. In this context the author reports developments since the establishment of the Global Information Alliance.
How to Cite
Hegedűs, P. Is the Holy Cow of documentary work endangered? The FID Conference and Congress in India, Scientific and Technical Information, 46(5), p. 189–195, 2018.