New development concepts of Ihe Hungarian Electronic Library in 1997 and the questions of its organisatory frames
digitális könyvtár, elektronikus dokumentum, intézmény működése, fejlesztési politika, stratégia, pénzügyi támogatásAbstract
According to the initiatives of the Library Department of the Ministry of Culture and Education, Hungary, the development concepts have been started to formulate. This project has been supported by a number of organisations and private persons. The development and organisatory plan of the Hungarian Electronic Library started by the end of 1997, mainly through electronic mail Communications among the interested parties. The complete text of the project is reproduced, in this issue, and it can be accessed also in the archives of the Electronic Library Section of Hungarian Library Associations, under the address
How to Cite
Moldován, I. New development concepts of Ihe Hungarian Electronic Library in 1997 and the questions of its organisatory frames, Scientific and Technical Information, 45(1), p. 20–28, 2018.