The effect of an electronic table of contents service on library staff, clients, and equipment
szakfolyóirat, tartalomjegyzék, internetszolgáltatás, adatbázis, ápolástanAbstract
Papers from the publication of the BAHIL (European Association of Health Information and Librarles) Conference, Budapest, Hungary
The library service of Dartmouth College has transformed traditional table-of-contents (TOC) services for users to electronic format, especially to the use of UnCover Reveal. The transition was completed in 1977. In addition to the transition period, the author reviews the literature on TOC services, evaluates advantages and disadvantages of UnCover Reveal, and summarizes actions that could be used to improve new TOC services.
The library service of Dartmouth College has transformed traditional table-of-contents (TOC) services for users to electronic format, especially to the use of UnCover Reveal. The transition was completed in 1977. In addition to the transition period, the author reviews the literature on TOC services, evaluates advantages and disadvantages of UnCover Reveal, and summarizes actions that could be used to improve new TOC services.
How to Cite
Fred, P. The effect of an electronic table of contents service on library staff, clients, and equipment, Scientific and Technical Information, 45(3-4), p. 108–111, 2018.