Health information for the lay person on the internet: a survey of the Italian experience
egészségügy, egészséges életmód, egészségnevelés, internetszolgáltatás, megbízhatóság, OlaszországAbstract
Papers from the publication of the BAHIL (European Association of Health Information and Librarles) Conference, Budapest, Hungary
The results of a search in Italy are summarized. It was found that the results are similar to those of international searches: a wide variety of medical and health care information is available on the World Wide Web in the style easily understood by the public. Of course, rules and regulations have to be introduced to validate the reliability, complete-ness and consistency of ínformation sources.
How to Cite
Adriana, D., Maurella, S. Health information for the lay person on the internet: a survey of the Italian experience, Scientific and Technical Information, 45(3-4), p. 118–120, 2018.