On the contribution of the library to the profitability of the host company
szakkönyvtár, gyógyszeripar, információszolgáltatás, gyűjteményszervezés, tájékoztatásAbstract
The special library of the principal pharmaceutical company of Hungary has a fair contribution in the business successes of its host organization by providing a variety of services. The authors show how this library responds to the challenges set by the users in the company, and what background and conditions are provided for the library by the host organization to satisfy expectations. The presentation covers the following topics: fast, accurate and economic satisfaction of information needs; data acquisition and processing; exploration, seledion and introduction of new information sources; assistance in the use of information tools.
How to Cite
Sándori, Z., Vajda, K. On the contribution of the library to the profitability of the host company, Scientific and Technical Information, 43(1), p. 3–7, 2018.