The Ministry of Transport, Telecommunications and Water Management and the special libraries of transportation
szakkönyvtár, közlekedés, információtechnika, kutatás-fejlesztés, információs rendszerAbstract
The R&D department of the MTTWM of Hungary has spent 25 million Forints from government funds in the last three years on the modernization of special libraries of the institutions belonging to the Ministry. These sources have been used for establishing LANs with external links, and for the acquisition and implementation of software tools supporting library operation. The interest of MTTWM in the maintenance of these libraries is associated with the promotion need of rts R&D infrastructure. The dual purpose of supporting library modernization is to establish library operations utilizing recent information technology for the satisfaction of R&D needs, and to make literature retrieval related directly with profit-oriented activities within the institution.
How to Cite
Szűcs, L. The Ministry of Transport, Telecommunications and Water Management and the special libraries of transportation, Scientific and Technical Information, 43(2), p. 47–48, 2018.