The science of history information on libraries


  • László Z. Karvalics


információs társadalom, könyvtárügy, közgyűjtemény, információ, kommunikáció, művelődéstörténet


One of the newest branches to the tree of sciences, in addition to the history of ecology and the history of anthropology, is the history of information. This new area is becoming more and more interdisciplinary as the turn of the century approaches. It is a new area which aims to examine the contribution of an information and communication centred point of view toward the problems of history in order to create a better and deeper understanding. Additionally, it should provide knowledge and data for companion sciences, studying the formation, development and early history of the information society. The author, following a definition of the discipline and its objectives, discusses its terminology, methodology, and the differing approaches applied by this new science. Finally, its value toward today's libraries is considered through practical data and procedures. In this respect, several well established professional opinions are questioned by the author.




How to Cite

Z. Karvalics, L. The science of history information on libraries, Scientific and Technical Information, 42(1), p. 7–17, 2018.


