The legal deposit of non-print publications
kötelespéldány, kötelespéldány-szolgáltatás, mikrofilmes kiadvány, elektronikus dokumentum, adathordozó, Nagy-BritanniaAbstract
Several countries have not extended their legislation concerning legal deposit services to new media such as non-print documents. In the UK, the British Library has a particular interest in legal deposit, and has expressed its desire to seek legal deposit for non-print publications. The British Library has begun to determine the activities required if a case for legal deposit of non-print publications is to be put to Government. The British Library would intend dealing also with the technological issues concerning legal deposit. It is recognised that the tasks involved with the handling of the legal deposit of new media and with related services can only be solved in cooperation with other national archives, and by shartng workload and responsibilities. Even harmonisation with other legal deposit systems in Europe and possibly in the USA would be considered.
How to Cite
Ann, C. The legal deposit of non-print publications, Scientific and Technical Information, 42(5-6), p. 204–208, 2018.